Welcome Back!

Welcome to my digital homestead, a cozy nook nestled in the vast expanse of the internet. Here, you'll find a curated collection of my recent endeavors, ongoing projects, and various musings. This space serves as both a showcase of my professional journey and a window into my personal interests. Feel free to explore and discover what I've been tinkering with, learning about, and creating in my corner of the digital world.

Grand Theft Auto 5 / GTAV / GTA Online Idle Evasion

I've been playing GTA Online for a while now, and I've noticed that the game is very aggressive about kicking you for being idle. I've been working on a hardware solution to this problem with a Raspberry Pi Pico and MicroPython firmware to emulate a keyboard and keep the game from kicking me. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and it's been working great!

Contribution Marquee

This is a kind of long-term Python experiment, to write something out in my GitHub contributions. Using PIL ImageFont, Numpy, and a GitHub module, I'm able to create a JSON containing details of when to contribute to a certain project in order to achieve the result. A second script can then take that JSON on a schedule and contribute to GitHub when it needs to.
Contribution Marquee